Cost Of Building A House In Kenya Easily With Low Budget

Cost Of Building A House In Kenya Easily With Low Budget

A house is one of the basic structures that provides you with shelter. Every grownup individual desire to own their own shelters to avoid renting out on buildings.

The decision of where to construct a house in Kenya’s depends on your preference and also your working budget.  

You could be wondering how much does a house cost in Kenya? The cost of building a house in Kenya such as a one bedroom can cost you approximately Ksh. 300,000 to Ksh. 800,000, a two bedroom can cost an average of Ksh. 450,000 to Ksh. 1,000,000 and a three bedroom can cost up to Ksh. 2,000,000 based on your location.

Building a house in urban areas tend to be more expensive than rural areas. Requirements for building a house in Kenya should be carefully considered before the construction begins.

Building A House Cost Determinants

The following are factors that affect the cost of building a house in Kenya that in turn result in a varying cost for building one house to another.

1. Building Site

You need to identify a specific land where your house can be put up. The location of the construction site will contribute much to your budget estimation. Urban areas are expensive to build a house than rural areas.

2. Employees

If your employees are not trustworthy, then they may temper with the construction materials. You must keep an eye on the progress of the building time to time. Otherwise, you might incur extra costs due to insufficient raw materials.

3. Building Materials

You must select building materials that are available in the market. Imported materials will automatically increase the cost of construction. While locally available materials may result to low building costs.

4. Expertise

You should be able to interview and select the best workmanship needed at all categories. To reconstruction of the same house, ensure you engage skilled workers and technologists.

5. Source Of Materials

Accessibility to the construction resources is key to estimation. The further the raw materials are located, the higher the cost of production. The nearer the raw materials are located, the lower the cost of production.

6. Nature Of Funding

It the owner is relying on readily available funds; the construction process may end undisrupted within the shortest time possible. Buildings that experience financial insufficiency may take longer to be completed. As a result, the owner may be forced to top up extra coins to the original amount.

7. House Design

Common designs are less expensive than complicated designs. The housing design structure with greatly affect the cost of putting up a complete house without any doubt.

8. House Decoration

Simple houses with no decorations do not cost the owner much. The owner may incur more costs if the houses would need more decorations. Secondly, the decors vary in price depending on the level of impression they display.

Requirements For Building A House In Kenya

a) Construction Site/ Land

Select a suitable location of your choice for the construction of the house. The site should have a favorable topography. It should also be affordable and free from floods and landslides. Don’t forget accessibility to essential domestic resources.

b) Soil Conditions

Study and identify the nature of the soil before the construction starts. The type of soil the lands has can determine the kind of house you can construct. For instance, the foundation depth of a house varies from loam soil, sandy soil, clay to other kinds. The soil condition must be good for the investment.

c) Stable Financing

Before you think about constructing the house, you should first establish a stable funding system. The money can come from your own savings or from a loaning agency. Availability of enough funds will ensure the construction period estimated is accomplished without delays.

d) House Plan

The house to be constructed should have a definite plan to be followed during construction. The plan must contain the design of the entire house, partitions, building materials to be used, estimated cost, number of workers among others. It contains a picture of the real house.

e) Professional Architects

You have to engage specific specialists who will ensure the house is completed in perfection. Such manpower include; quantity surveyor, interior designer, construction engineer, electrical engineer among others.

f) Permits

Make sure you comply to the building and safety regulations before you begin your construction. Visit both local and national authorities such as NEMA, for legal permit documentation to avoid inconveniences during construction.

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You may want to know how much does a house cost in Kenya. Well, this article gives you a clear outline of the cost of building a house in Kenya. However, the requirements for building a house in Kenya, can either hike or reduce on the cost of construction.

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