How to Apply for Afya Elimu Loan | 8 Easy Steps to Follow!

Many students’ dreams have been shattered due to a lack of tuition fees to pursue their medical training. The Afya Elimu loan was created to help students pursuing diplomas and certificates in medicine only. It is an affordable loan with a rather low interest rate for students.

Perhaps you want to apply for an afya elimu loan for the first time but are unsure where to begin. I’ve got you covered because this article will walk you through the various details you’ll need to know.

Application Process of Afya Elimu Loan

Here is the procedure on how to apply for the Afya Elimu loan:

1. Visit the Help portal afya elimu loan in your device.

2. After Afya elimu loan login, navigate to the loan application.

3. Select the Afya Elimu loan application form.

4. Fill in the required details correctly. 

5. Upload the required documents as requested.

6. Print two copies of the application forms. This is a must.

7. Take the application forms for signature and stamping by the required parties.

8. Take the duly filled application form to the nearest Huduma centre, Anniversary Towers, HELB office, etc.

Apply for an Afya Elimu loan now, before the Afya Elimu loan application deadline passes.

Afya elimu loan subsequent application is also completed to demonstrate that you still require the loan for your studies. Simply log in to the HELB portal and then select the Afya elimu loan. Follow the instructions and submit your information.


In conclusion, the Afya Elimu loan is highly regarded because it has enabled many students to complete their studies without having to drop out due to a lack of fees. Furthermore, paying an Afya Elimu loan is always affordable because they offer a 4 percent interest rate, which is quite affordable for the majority. I wish you the best of luck with your Afya Elimu loan application.

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Kenyans Consult

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