How Much is Electricity Pole Per Unit in Kenya

Electricity has now become the world’s most important thing. Different institutions, firms, companies, homes, and factories need electricity for a smooth run. Electricity is basically a product of water. In simple terms, the power is produced by turning turbines.

For you to have electricity, then you will have to pay electricity bills, if you are a continuing user. On the other hand, if you want to have electricity for the first time, you will need to add installation costs. You might also require a pole to support the cables. 

How much is an electricity pole per unit in Kenya? Continue reading to find out more.

The price of a wooden electricity pole per unit in Kenya is from Ksh.10,000 to Ksh.12,000 while that of concrete pole is between Ksh.18,000 and Ksh.20,000.

Cost of s Unit Price of Electricity

KPLC’s price per unit is from about Ksh 5.45 to Ksh 6.00 during off-peak hours. The figures also answer the question, “how much is one unit of electricity?”

Cost of 1 KWh of Electricity

The cost of 1 KWh of electricity in Kenya ranges from about 3 cents per hour to about 24 cents. The range may vary depending on what the electricity is used for. The cents show the average cost of electricity per KWh in Kenya.

The cost of electricity in Kenya will vary widely depending on a variety of factors. For instance, the price of electricity for business purposes will be higher as compared to the price of electricity used at home. 


Let me believe that this review has been helpful to you and is of great importance too. Also, let me believe that all the answers to the questions you asked were appropriately and accordingly provided and satisfactory too. 

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Kenyans Consult

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