How To Buy A Cocacola Fridge In Kenya|Easy & Fast

Fridge are mainly used for preservation purposes. There are different types of fridges in Kenya used to preserve drinks. One of them is Coca cola fridge. Cocacola refrigerator for business in Kenya is the best venture for you as many individuals prefer cold drinks during hot seasons making you earn more money.

The steps below show how to buy a Cocacola fridge in Kenya that is affordable:

  1. Go to a coke deport near you.
  2. Buy the number of crates if soda that you want.
  3. Request for the size of the fridge that will fit your crates of soda.
  4. A Cocacola fridge will be given to you.
  5. Make the payments at the counter using your preferred way of payment.

These are the easiest steps on how to get a Cocacola fridge for your shop.

Coca-Cola Fridge Price in Kenya

The price of Coca-Cola fridge in Kenya ranges from Ksh.45,000 to Ksh.120,000. However, the price varies due to the size and weight of the Coca-Cola fridge.

Cocacola Fridge Distributors in Kenya

The following are Cocacola fridge distributors in Kenya:

  • Cocacola Distributor Ewaso Ngiro
  • Cocacola Distributor Marigat 3
  • Cocacola Distributor Eldoret
  • Cocacola Distributor Marigat 2

These are some of the places that distribute Cocacola Fridges in Kenya.

Coca-Cola Fridge Agreement

Have you ever wanted to know the Coca-Cola fridge agreement? Well, Cocacola fridge agreement is made possible by manufacturers offering various certification such as CE, UL and DOE to ensure their products meet the KEBs requirements.


Cocacola being the most appreciated beverage company with a fascinating history makes life tastier for citizens in the country. On top of that, they manufacture stylish unique Cocacola fridges and sell at affordable prices to their customers. This has led to job creation for many persons thus improving the living standards for Kenyans.

Kenyans Consult

At Kenyans Consult, we are proud Kenyan writers. We write anything that pertains to Kenya and is worth sharing. We hope to share more about Kenya with the world through our writing. Check our articles to learn more about Kenya.

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