How to Get Restraining Order in Kenya Easily Now

Courts in Kenya play vital roles in ensuring justice is served in a more amicable way. During the pre-industrial era, many people used to loose their lives through mob justice which was very brutal. In Kenyan court however, there are court processes that one needs to follow in order to obtain justice for his or her case.

Restraining order meaning a temporary court order which prohibits your abuser from doing specific things such as contacting or coming to your home or place of work.

9 Steps on How to Get Restraining order

In this article, I am going to take you through the process of obtaining restraining order in Kenya. Follow the below steps and you will be sorted:

  1. Report the criminal case to the nearest police station.
  2. Record a statement in the occurrence book and you will be given a reference number for investigation purposes.
  3. Police may draft a charge based on your statement and that of your witness.
  4. An accuser is arrested by the police if they are satisfied that the crime was really committed by that person.
  5. File is then forwarded to the prosecution counsel who files the matter in court.
  6. Make a written request in open court .
  7. The court will make an order and the proceedings will be prepared.
  8. Payment of the required fees.
  9. After paying the required fees, a court order sample is given to you for reference purposes.

This is the simple step on how to obtain a restraining court order in Kenya.

You may also be interested in knowing the cost of obtaining restraining order in Kenya. It ranges from Ksh. 4,000 to Ksh. 100,000 depending on the type of court order you want to obtain.

Types of Court Orders in Kenya

  1. Petition order.
  2. Restraining order.
  3. Protection against domestic violence order.


I hope you have gotten informative details on how to obtain a restraining order in Kenya. I wish you all the best as you proceed for further steps in court.

How to File a Case in Court in Kenya

Cost of Obtaining a Court Order in Kenya

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Kenyans Consult

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