How To Start A Dairy Farm Business In Kenya With Low Capital

How To Start A Dairy Farm Business In Kenya With Low Capital

WDairy farming in Kenya is among the top best Agribusinesses in Kenya that is really transforming lives of many. If you are always passionate about dairy animals then this dairy farm will work well for you.

Successful dairy farming in Kenya requires various skills and passion that will help you in running your dairy farm. Success stories of dairy farming in Kenya prove that this is the business that one should look forward to venturing into.

There are two types of dairy farming: Large scale and small scale dairy farming in Kenya.

 If you have a minimum capital and a beginner, it is recommended that you start with small dairy farming in kenya.

Here is the procedure on how to start a dairy farm in Kenya:

Step 1. Do a thorough market research that will help you know how to supply your dairy products.

Step 2. Write a tactical dairy farming business plan in Kenya that will help you have strategies in achieving the best.

Step 3. Taking great ideas from Dairy Farming experts that will help you run your dairy farm.

Step 4. Do an in depth research on the breed and species of dairy cows that yields quality dairy products.

Step 5. Have a strategy on the health care and management plan that will back you up in case of health issues.

Step 6. Apply for your dairy farming business license and other permits.

May your dairy farming business be successful at the end of the tunnel.

Cost of Starting Dairy Farming In Kenya

The cost of starting a dairy farming in Kenya ranges from Ksh.100,000 to Ksh.1,000,000.

The more the animals you intend to rear, the higher the starting cost.

Besides, one dairy cow that is high breed and of high production goes for an average of Ksh. 50,000 to Ksh. 100,000.

You also need to create a conducive environment for the cows, have someone to offer help and get enough feeds plus water. Veterinary services are a must to succeed as a dairy farmer.

List Of Dairy Farms In Kenya

The following as just a few of the successful dairy farms in Kenya:

1. Gathanji Farm in Kiambu.

2. Ruai Tharuyu Farm in Nairobi.

3. Dairy Pesa Farm.

4. Tassells Dairy Farm in Ruiru.

5. Cowsoko Farm.


Venturing into Dairy farming business is the best and you will not regret your decision. Its returns are always top dope. Invest more in your business to enjoy more profits.

Kenyans Consult

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