How To Start A Garbage Collection Business In Kenya & Prosper

How To Start A Garbage Collection Business In Kenya & Prosper

Do you want to know how to start residential garbage business? This article is really meant for you and it will lead you to a successful path of starting a garbage collection business in Kenya.

Besides, many people have not discovered garbage collection as a potential business opportunity that can turn your dreams into reality. Due to minimum competition, garbage collection business is in high demand thus a lucrative business idea for you.

Let me show you tips on how to start a garbage collection business in Kenya that will help you build your own garbage collection company that will offer garbage collection services in the society at large.

Step 1: Carry out an intensive market research that will help you know where to collect garbage for example in Estates, towns among other places.

Step 2: Agreement on the collection fee. This will take place in the residential area you have identified during your market research in order to know whether you are making profits or losses.

Step 3: Hiring of trucks that will help in picking garbage around that place.

Step 4: Hiring of your trusted personnel that will help you to successfully run your business.

Step 5: Have unified business Licenses that will prevent you from landing into trouble with the authorities.

Such licenses include:

a. County Council Single Business Permit.

b. National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) license.

Step 6: Ensure you are recognized by the authorities, landlords and each plot should have dustbins and garbage bags.

Step 7: Identity dumping sites where you will be taking the garbage or even recycling sites.

I wish you success as you start your garbage business.

Profitability Of Garbage Business

Is the garbage business profitable? Yes, garbage business is the most profitable business in Kenya and earns highest profits on a weekly basis. Garbage opportunities are diverse from home, to offices and businesses and even industries produce waste everyday making the business an evergreen opportunity for you.

Garbage Collection Companies In Nairobi

There are several garbage collection companies in Kenya but several are located in Nairobi. Here are some of the garbage collection companies in Nairobi:

1. Garbage Dot Com Limited.

2. Bins Services Limited.

3. Colnet Limited.

4. Waste Collection Point.

5. Lujusa Garbage solutions.


Every person prioritizes a clean environment. This is always fulfilled by collecting garbage round the residential area to prevent the foul smell thus starting a garbage collection business will work well for you.

Kenyans Consult

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