Minet Insurance Contacts, Branches, Address & Login Portal

Minet Insurance contacts, address, login details

Find precise, and easy to follow AON Minet Insurance contacts, tsc, hospitals, customer care, email, branches, and many more details about AON Minet here.

Minet Insurance Kenya is an insurance company offering various insurance and other financial services in Kenya. However, Minet Insurance is popularly known for AON Minet Insurance Kenya that offers medical insurance cover for teachers. Using the AON Minet insurance for teachers contacts you can still access your desired services.

Check this article for details about AON Minet Insurance hospital, Medical Cover Rates, Maternity, and more.

AON Minet Insurance Contacts And Branches

AON Minet Kenya Minet Insurance LocationAON Minet Contacts
Minet Kenya-Head OfficeMinet House, Processional Way, Off Nyerere RoadTel: +254 071 904 4000
Email: info@minet.coke
Minet Insurance Nairobi TownGround Floor, Jubilee House, General Kago StreetTel: +254 071 904 4000
Email: pld@minet.co.ke
Minet Insurance Uhuru HighwayMezzanine Floor, Highway Mall, Uhuru HighwayTel: +254 071 904 4000
Email: pld@minet.co.ke
Minet Insurance MeruGround Floor, Tuskys Building, Mwendantu RoadTel: +254 071 904 4461
Email: minet_meru@minet.co.ke
Minet Insurance Kakamega2nd Floor, Mega Mall, Opposite Muliro Gardens, Webuye RoadTel: +254 071 904 4000
Minet Insurance Nyeri3rd Floor, Sohan Plaza, Kimathi WayTel: +254 071 904 4000
Email: minet_nyeri@minet.co.ke
Minet Insurance Wajir2nd Floor, Hamdi Plaza, ManderaTel: +254 071 904 4000
Email: minet_wajir@minet.co.ke
Minet Insurance MombasaMinet House Kengeleni, Nyali RoadTel: +254 071 377 7213
Tel: +254 073 249 7300
Email: minetmsa@minet.coke
Minet Insurance Eldoret4th Floor, KVDA Plaza, Oloo StreetTel: +254 377 7212
Email: eldoret@minet.co.ke
Minet Insurance Kisumu1st Floor, Tuffoam Mall, Jomo Kenyatta HighwayTel: +254 071 904 4457
Email: minet_kisumu@minet.co.ke
Minet Insurance Nakuru1st Floor, Baraka Plaza, KenyaTel: +254 071 904 4442
Email: minet_nakuru@minet.co.ke
AON Minet Contacts | AON Minet Customer Care | AON Minet Email Address

For more information, visit AON Minet Kenya Insurance Website.

Besides, you can easily login to Minet Insurance Website by visiting the Minet Insurance Login or AON Minet Portal login .


We hope the guide has been helpful in providing your with essential details about AON Minet contacts, AON Minet customer care number, AON minet email address, AON Minet portal, and many more. The guide can also be helpful for teachers looking for AON Minet insurance for teachers contacts.

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