Where to Buy Henna in Nairobi | Amazing Uses & Benefits

Henna is a dye that is produced from henna trees. It is used for many purposes. Some of which include cosmetics, applied directly to wounds, used in hair care products, and also used as temporary tattoos.

Henna also has some health benefits. Some which include; detoxifies the body, relieves headache, and speeds up healing. 

You may, however, be concerned or rather interested in knowing where to buy henna in Nairobi. This is among the most commonly asked questions concerning henna.

Places to Buy Henna in Nairobi

Here is a list of places where to buy henna in Nairobi:

  1. Mara Organics
  2. Natural Hair Kenya.
  3. Michaelson henna parlour.
  4. Kawthar Saloon and Beauty Parlor

These are among the best places where to buy henna in Nairobi easily.

Some Ayurvedic shops in Nairobi are Ayurvedic Health Services, Mara Organics and Amalia Nutritive Supplies. 

You can decorate your body or hair with a variety of henna designs from different shops in Nairobi. Some of these designs are flowers, bracelet patterns, and lattices. 

Various Types of Henna

Henna powder in Kenya is preferred by a majority of people. This is because they have an opportunity to make the quantity of henna they would like. Henna powder is also effective and cost-friendly. 

Nupur henna Kenya is available across all cosmetic and henna shops. It is natural and widely used. In addition, its prices are very affordable and anyone who would wish to purchase it can get it. Get Nupur henna now and change your appearance to a magnificent one. 

Indigo powder in Nairobi is commonly sold at Mara Organics, where you can get the product at the cheapest price. You can get the product as early as now and enhance your beauty.

Finding henna places near me is one of the best ideas you can think of. This will help in terms of saving on transportation costs, among others. So you have an opportunity to choose a variety that you like with no hurry. 


I hope that this review was helpful to you. Since you now have a clear idea of where to buy henna in Nairobi, then nothing should stop you from making the purchase. Change your appearance today with the help of different henna products found in Nairobi at affordable prices.

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