In a shocking turn of events, Anne Adhiambo, the prime suspect in the murder of Nairobi Hospital Finance Director Eric Maigo, has confessed to the heinous crime. Appearing before High Court Judge Kaanyi Kimondo, Adhiambo pleaded guilty to the murder charges, her admission echoing through the courtroom with a solemn “Ni Ukweli.”
The court, after ensuring Adhiambo’s mental competence, granted her an opportunity to consult with her legal counsel. Judge Kimondo emphasized, “Nakupa muda zaidi Ndio uweze kuongea na wakili wako ambaye Yuko mahakamani mzungumze wakuelezee vizuri kile unachoambia mahakama,” before referring the case to the Kibera law courts for further proceedings.
Currently detained at Langata women’s prison, Adhiambo’s fate hangs in the balance as the case awaits its next hearing on November 8. The prosecution, during the initial arraignment last Wednesday, had urged for her continued detention until crucial evidence, including unanalyzed CCTV footage and blood stains from the crime scene, could be examined thoroughly.
Adhiambo’s arrest came after her daring escape from the murder scene, captured on CCTV in the Jamhuri area of Nairobi on the fateful morning of October 15. Following an intensive search, detectives, aided by vigilant members of the public, apprehended her in Olympic, Kibra.
The victim, Eric Maigo, was discovered lifeless in his house, bearing the brutal marks of 25 stab wounds. As this disturbing case unfolds, the city remains gripped by the shocking details of this tragedy.
#Ericmaigomurder #Anneadhiambo,
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