Can You Transfer Airtime To Mpesa For Free & Instant Now

Can You Transfer Airtime To Mpesa For Free & Instant Now

Ever since the development of Mpesa, carrying out transactions is very easy. There are millions of users all over the country who are using Mpesa services.

There are a variety of reasons as to why Mpesa is preferred. One of these reasons is that Mpesa is easy to use and transactions can be done anywhere anytime.

So, can you transfer airtime to Mpesa? Yes. This is how to transfer airtime to Mpesa using either of this three simple methods:

Method 1: Reverse Airtime To Mpesa Money

How to reverse airtime to Mpesa money is not difficult. All you need to do is to forward the Mpesa airtime transaction message to 456.

Through this, the reversal process will be successful and your money will go back to Mpesa.

Also, you can turn airtime to Mpesa by contacting customer care especially when you accidentally bought airtime from your Mpesa.

However, for such a reversal to occur you ought not even use a single cent from the airtime. Otherwise, reversal won’t take place.

Method 2: Exchange Airtime For Mpesa

Another way you can turn airtime to Mpesa is buy selling that airtime to people interested and they then send you the cash in your Mpesa.

Besides, some people can do the total conversion to give you back money in Mpesa but at a rate of 70% cash back.

It implies that 30% is the conversion fee which you will lose. Thus, you will get less money back to your Mpesa.

One of the legit platform you can use to convert your airtime to mpesa is Shopika.

Via Shopika, you are able to transfer shopika airtme to Mpesa. All you have to do is to visit the shopika website, follow the given instructions then you are good to go with the conversion.

Method 3: Convert Safaricom Airtime Into Cash

The following is a step by step guide on how to convert safaricom airtime to cash for free:

Step 1: on your phones dial pad, dial *384*3#

Step 2: select the first option

Step 3: select safaricom

Step 4: select the amount you wish to convert

Step 5: select self

Step 6: you will receive an sms with instructions

Step 7: Receive the cash instantly

The above procedure also answers the question on can you convert airtime to cash.

Airtime To Mpesa Apk

Airtime to mpesa apk gives you a chance to conduct your conversions. Apps to convert airtime to mpesa may include; Tupay, and My safaricom app among others.

You may want to be in a position to know how to convert mobile credit to cash. This conversion can be done using shopika.

I believe that this article was helpful to you.

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