Cost of a Motor Vehicle Transfer in Kenya Right Now

Cost of a Motor Vehicle Transfer in Kenya Right Now

Motor Vehicle transfer in Kenya is simply a situation whereby an individual, company or business changes the ownership to a new person by transferring details including the logbook. For this reason, it is important to fill the transfer of motor vehicle ownership form Kenya before leaving with your new motor vehicle.

Did you know that transfer of a motor vehicle in Kenya can be very easy depending on the type of information you have at the moment? Well, I will take you through a detailed information in this article that will be an eye opener for you.

The cost of a motor vehicle transfer in Kenya ranges from Ksh.1,000 to Ksh.2,500 based on the type of vehicle to be transferred. For instance, transferring a tractor costs Ksh. 1030, automobiles with 1501-1700cc costs Ksh. 2410, while vehicles of 1201-1500cc costs Ksh. 2065.

You may also be interested in knowing logbook transfer charges Kenya ranges from Ksh.1,500 to Ksh.5,000. Besides, NTSA transfer charges highly varies depending on the vehicle’s CC.

Requirements For Logbook Transfer Kenya

The following are the legal requirements that you need to transfer your motor vehicle ownership in Kenya:

  • A functioning NTSA TIMS account.
  • Have original Logbook document.
  • Scanned copy of the logbook to be transferred to another owner.
  • Copies of PIN for both the buyer and the seller.
  • Well filled KRA Transfer form C for both parties that is the buyer and the seller.


To sum up, motor vehicle transfer has brought more benefits to the society as people are able to own cars based on the level of cash they have. Besides, motor vehicle transfer is not as difficult as it may seem but instead it is as easy as ABC. When you are a buyer ensure you buy a motor vehicle that is in a good working condition to avoid inconveniences in future.

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Kenyans Consult

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