Cost of Oxygen Cylinder in Kenya | New Market Prices

Oxygen is a very important gas that human beings and animals require for survival. Some places may lack oxygen such as under the seas, mountain peaks, underground, among other places. Besides, oxygen is highly needed in the hospital for various patients with different types of conditions.

Oxygen is prepared in the laboratories using various methods and stored in cylinders for future use. Storage of oxygen in the oxygen cylinders has really brought more good to society at large. For this reason, let me show you various informative details that will help you in the buying of oxygen cylinders in Kenya.

The cost of oxygen cylinder in Kenya is estimated at Ksh.40,000. The price of oxygen cylinder may vary based on the capacity of the oxygen cylinder. The bigger the capacity, the higher the prices.

Portable Oxygen Cylinder

You may wish to know the cost of portable oxygen cylinders in Kenya which is an average of Ksh. 50,000. The advantage of a portable oxygen cylinder is that it can be easily delivered to your doorstep upon purchase.

Places to Buy Oxygen Cylinder in Kenya

Wondering where to buy oxygen cylinder in Kenya? Worry less, the following list shows some of the places where to buy the oxygen cylinder for sale in Nairobi.

There are many other places where you can easily get oxygen cylinders in Kenya that are not listed below.

  1. Hewatele Oxygen  Nairobi.
  2. Oxygen concentrator Kenya.
  3. Orthohub Limited.
  4. Boc gases.
  5. Orthodynamic limited.
  6. Apicalmed limited.
  7. Pulse medics equipment limited.
  8. Medistus limited.
  9. Chinqlane holdings.
  10. Medical supplies limited.

Cost of Oxygen in The Hospital

Are you curious to know how much does oxygen cost in the hospital? The cost of oxygen in the hospital ranges from Ksh. 28,000 to Ksh. 105,000 depending on the condition one is in.


To sum up, oxygen has really played a vital role in saving lives, especially with the Coronavirus pandemic. This has created a high-demand need for more oxygen cylinders making oxygen production a good business to start in Kenya. Buy oxygen cylinders at affordable costs near you.

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Kenyans Consult

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