In a heartbreaking incident that has left a family in Kakamega County shattered, 24-year-old Annette Injene met her untimely demise at Elwesero Health Centre.
Annette, accompanied by her three-year-old daughter, sought medical attention due to persistent abdominal pains. Tragically, moments after being administered an injection, she collapsed and later passed away.
Eyewitness Jentrix Auka, who accompanied Annette to the hospital, recounted the events, stating, “She arrived at my place around 10 am on a boda boda, and we went to the hospital together. The doctor informed her that they were out of medication and asked her to return on Monday. Despite this, he proceeded to inject her. Shortly after, she started feeling nauseous. Despite immediate first aid efforts by the medical staff, she couldn’t be saved.”
The responsible medical professional reportedly disappeared after their attempts to revive Annette failed, leaving the family in profound grief.
An autopsy report revealed that Annette’s tragic demise was caused by therapeutic misadventure, a result of adverse medical management. Susan Injene, the deceased’s sister, expressed her distress, saying,
“The report indicates therapeutic misfortune as the cause, meaning my sister’s death resulted from a reaction to a drug. We are still awaiting details on the specific drug involved.”
Dr. Dickson Muchana, a pathologist at Kakamega County Referral Hospital, handed over the autopsy findings to the family in the presence of officers from the DCI. “We conducted an open autopsy, and the findings were shared with the family. The report has been handed over to the DCI officers,” Dr. Muchana confirmed.
The grieving family is now fervently seeking justice for their lost loved one. Annette’s brother, Richard Injene, voiced their determination, saying, “We are fighting for our rights. Why did our sister die? She walked into the hospital with her child but never came back. We demand answers and justice for Annette.”
#killerinjectioninKenya #Kakamegahealthcentre #medicalnegligenceinKenya
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