Former Attorney General Githu Muigai Advocates for Daily Security Briefings and Constitutional Recognition of Opposition Leader

During a recent appearance before the National Dialogue Committee (NDC), former Attorney General Githu Muigai expressed a compelling viewpoint on the role of the opposition leader. Muigai firmly asserted that the leader of the opposition should receive daily security briefings akin to those granted to the President.

Muigai went further, advocating for the constitutional recognition of the office held by the opposition leader. He posited that, as a formidable political force, the opposition should be granted constitutional privileges, allowing them to operate directly from within Parliament. In his proposal, he also emphasized the necessity of endowing the opposition leader with state security and distinct privileges.

“In a thriving democracy, the opposition plays a crucial role as the government in waiting. Therefore, the opposition should have shadow cabinet ministers who actively engage in parliamentary activities, mirroring the duties of their counterparts in the official cabinet,” Muigai articulated.

Highlighting the importance of security in a democratic system, Muigai stressed that the leader of the opposition should possess the same high-level security clearance as the President.

This clearance would enable the opposition leader to stay informed about national security matters, both internal and external, as well as pertinent diplomatic interactions.

He further explained, “Whether it concerns national security queries, internal or external threats, or even visits by foreign delegates, the leader of the opposition should be kept in the loop through regular briefings.”

In response to this proposal, President Ruto conveyed his willingness to create and fund the office, if doing so would enhance the government’s accountability. However, he issued a reminder to the opposition to adhere strictly to the constitutional guidelines governing their role.

President Ruto also extended a hand of cooperation, expressing his commitment to assisting the opposition in fulfilling their constitutional duties.

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