How To Change Course In The Same University In Kenya Easily

How To Change Course In The Same University In Kenya Easily

Universities offer very many courses and one does a course that suites them well. It is easier for one to pursue a course that he or she likes rather than the one they dislike.

It sometimes happens that the chosen course does not suite one properly. Here there will be need to change the course.

You may want to be in a position of knowing how to change University course before starting. If this is the case then no need to worry.

Here Is a simple procedure of how to change course in the same University in Kenya:

Step 1: Visit the official Kuccps website and login with your details

Step 2: Click on the transfer tab

Step 3: Select on programs

Step 4: select a course you wish to transfer to followed by typing the program code

Step 5: Write the reason for transfer

Step 6: Fill in the remaining information

Step 6: pay the fee required for the transfer process

That shows a very simple procedure on how to change a University course before transferring.

The question on Can I change my course after getting admission may be the one that you need an answer for it. Yes. It is possible for you to change a course after getting admission by just following simple steps laid down.

Besides, KUCCPS inter faculty transfer is open and can be done in the official KUCCPS website. Here students have a chance to transfer their faculty.

Reasons For Changing Course In University

There are quite a number of issues that explain reasons for changing course in University. Here are some of those reasons;

1. Picking the wrong course

2. Financial problems

3. Personal circumstances

4. One might not have expected the course

5. One might not be enjoying the course

Let me hope that you have all the answers to the questions you asked. In addition, let me hope that this article was of great importance to you.

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