How to Get US Visa in Kenya Now | Simple & Legal

The US is a dream state for the majority. It is a country with various opportunities in terms of vacations, work, and studies, among others. It has a well-known history of making money, which makes it even more interesting.

Many people believe living or working in the US will make you rich. You can as well have your own experience by first getting a US Visa in Kenya.

Process of Getting US Visa in Kenya

Let me take you through the process of getting the US visa in Kenya:

  1. Payment of the visa application fees is done to commence your visa processing.
  2. Schedule an online appointment.
  3. If the appointment is accepted, an email is sent to you showing you the date.
  4. Visit the U.S. embassy on the appointment day for your US interview questions in Kenya.
  5. A medical examination for a U.S. Visa for Kenya is done on that same day.
  6. The confirmation of all your documents and passport photos.
  7. The application for your visa is now done.
  8. When your visa is due, you will be notified by an email or a call from the U.S. embassy in Kenya.

This is how to apply for a U.S. visa in Kenya without any difficulties.

In addition, there are some frequently asked questions concerning the US visa in Kenya. Let us have a look at some of these questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a visa from Kenya to the USA costs?

The cost of US visas ranges from Ksh. 100,000 to Ksh. 756,000 depending on the type of visa you are applying for.

Is the US embassy in Kenya open?

The US embassy in Kenya is always open from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 5pm, except on Saturday, when it is only open from 8am to 12pm. Appointments at the US embassy in Kenya can be scheduled on these days and at any of the given hours.


Get your US visa legally and without any effort from the US embassy and fly to your dream country. I hope I have helped you in one way or another based on your US visa application at the US embassy in Kenya.

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Kenyans Consult

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