Application for registration of an institution offering basic education and training can be complicated or simple and straight forward depending on the kind of information that you have.
School registration with the ministry of health is always compulsory in order to get a school registration certificate that will allow you to run your school without inconveniences with the authorities.
There is a new school registration form that you will be required to fill in with detailed information about your school.
Without further ado, let us get started on how to register a school with ministry of education:
Step 1: Log in to the GoBusiness Licensing using CorpPass and incase you are not familiar with, find out how to register for a CorpPass
Step 2: Under the License Application Menu, select “apply for new license.”
Step 3: For your government agency, select “Ministry of Education.”
Step 4: Follow the simple process on your screen.
Step 5: After completion, download the form and submit them via post mail or courier.
This is the easiest procedure that you can use when registering your school with the ministry of education.
Requirements For Registering A School In Kenya
School registration requirements needed include:
1. Well completed and signed application forms for the institution.
2. Recent school inspection report DEOs that is well signed and stamped.
3. Title deed or leasing agreement for not less than 8years.
4. Certified copies of Teachers Service Commission of your hired teachers.
5. A copy of a registration form of your institution business name under the Business Names Act.
These are some of the school registration documents that you will present when registering your institution with the Ministry of Education.
In summary, make sure you register your school with the ministry of education to enjoy the facilities offered by the Ministry of Education in Kenya.