How To Start A Driving School In Kenya Easily & Legally Now

How To Start A Driving School In Kenya Easily & Legally Now

Many cars have had there way into Kenya making majority of Kenyans car owners. Due to this, demand for the ability of driving various vehicle has highly risen creating  a spark for starting a driving school in Kenya.

There are various driving schools in Kenya that you can emulate in order to have a successful driving school in Kenya. Just to name a few, such schools include:

1. Rocky Driving School.

2. AA driving school.

3. Pettans driving school.

These are NTSA approved driving schools in Kenya with very good reputation that can be used as role models in your case.

Starting A Driving School In Kenya

I want to show you how you to start a driving school in Kenya using simple steps that will help you join this NTSA approved driving schools:

Step 1. Have The Required Capital.

Capital is always the first start up thing that you should have before setting up your business. Capital does not necessarily mean money but also things like cars, computers, charts among others.

Step 2. Locate An Ideal Place.

Having a strategic position will help your business be more marketable since you will attract more customers.

Step 3. Have A Structure

A driving school structure that is well planned and organized will help your driving school run smoothly without inconveniences.

Step 4. Check At The Competition Level Around You.

Competition is something that will always exist in any type of business. Competition will help you strive to give the best so as to have more customers at the end.

Step 5. Obtain A Business License

Having the required licenses will help your business be highly recommended by many people as license is used as a sign of legality.

Step 6. Hire Qualified Personnel.

Qualified staff will be used as driving school teachers in order to produce competent drivers in your school. Make sure you don’t flood your business with teachers although ensure there are enough so as to have the best.

These steps will be used as an eye opener for you on how to open driving school.

Driving Classes Categories In Kenya

When enrolling in a driving school, you are given NTSA driving school registration form which entails a driving class category from class A to G based on the automobile or persons of interest.

The driving classes categories in Kenya include:

Category A- For motorcycles.

Category B-Light Vehicle Automatic.

Category C-Light Truck.

Category D- Buses.

Category E- special professionals.

Category F- People with disability.

Category G- Plant and equipment operator.

Driving school fees in Kenya varies highly depending on the driving class category. School fees ranges from as low as Ksh.5,000 to as high as Ksh.100,000.


Since driving is like a must thing in the modern world whether you have a car or not, then driving school business is in high demand since it offers the required skills needed thus earning more profits.

Kenyans Consult

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