A judge is a public officer appointment to decide cases in a court of law. A judge is responsible to keep order or to tell the sentence of a person. In issues related to the court, these judges play a very big role in terms of decision making.
The other thing that you need to know before we go too far is what is a judge salary in Kenya. So if you don’t know the answer to that I will provide it to you.
Many people end up asking how much is a judge salary in Kenya. A judge salary in Kenya ranges from a minimum of Ksh. 47, 060 per month to a maximum of Ksh. 757,800 depending on which department one is in.
It is a good pay don’t you think so?
High Court Judges salary
The role of a high court judge is to try serious criminal cases and important civil cases. They even assist the lord justice to hear appeals.
Here in Kenya the high court judges salary is around Ksh. 757,770.
Judicial Service Commission Salary Scales
Clerical officer earns about Ksh. 47,000 per month
Accountant earns about Ksh. 56,000 per month
Resident Magistrate Salary in Kenya
A resident magistrate is a person who clearly understands the law.
A resident magistrate salary in Kenya ranges between Ksh. 123, 780 – Ksh. 190,000 per month.
Chief Magistrate Salary in Kenya
The chief magistrate is also known as the senior district judge.
The chief magistrate oversees first appearances of criminal defendants and sets bails.
The chief magistrate salary in Kenya is up to 190k per month.
Prosecutor Salary in Kenya
Basically, a prosecutor has an active role in criminal proceedings.
A prosecutor salary in Kenya ranges from Ksh. 57, 415 – Ksh. 155, 114.
Let me hope that the information provided was very relevant to you. And I also hope that you got crystal clear answers to your questions.