Nonini Regrets Backing Ruto’s Leadership

Gengetone superstar Hubert Nakitare (Nonini) has publicly expressed regret for his previous support of the Kenya Kwanza government. In a statement posted on the social media platform X, Nonini explained that his change of heart stems from his dissatisfaction with the country’s current trajectory.

Reflecting on the state of the nation one year into the Kenya Kwanza government’s tenure, Nonini stated, “As I look back at the direction our country has taken under this government, I feel the need to extend a heartfelt apology to the Kenyan people for my past endorsement of this government and certain leaders, as you may be aware.”

The Kenya Kwanza government has faced significant criticism, with a recent Infotrak survey indicating that 53 percent of Kenyans believe the nation is heading in the wrong direction during President William Ruto’s first year in office.

Many of those who believe the country is veering off course have cited reasons such as the soaring cost of living and widespread unemployment. Earlier this year, the opposition had organized anti-government demonstrations in part due to the high cost of living.

Intriguingly, the same survey found that President Ruto received a commendable 55 percent approval rating for his performance as the nation’s top executive, despite the overall concerns about the country’s direction.

Nonini’s public apology serves as a reminder of the evolving political landscape in Kenya, where individuals, including celebrities, wield significant influence on public opinion. His willingness to acknowledge his past support for the government and express regret underscores the importance of reconsidering one’s political positions in light of changing circumstances. This gesture has prompted discussions among his followers and the broader public, who appreciate his candidness and commitment to being a more responsible public figure.

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