Where to Buy Almonds in Nairobi Effortlessly Now

Are you that type of person who loves watching television shows, movies, and series? If you are one, then have you ever tried eating almonds as the show continues? The experience is very awesome since all you need to do is to take a single bite as you stare at the television.

Almonds are also recommended to be taken during breakfast. They have additional values such as fats and reducing high sugar levels.

Now you may want to be in a position to know where to buy almonds in Nairobi. Since almonds are very common, you don’t have to struggle to get to where they are sold.

3 Places to Buy Almonds in Nairobi

You can get almonds in the following places

  • Supermarkets like Naivas, Carrefour, Quickmart, among others.
  • Kenya Nut Company.
  • Alba Nuts.

Maybe you want to know where to buy almonds in bulk in Kenya. For you to achieve this, you have to visit the almond companies, such as:

  • Eureka Nuts Kenya,
  • Arianna Exports
  • Ongeri Nuts, among other places.

At the very least, buy almonds in 1 kg at the nearest supermarket near you at very affordable prices and enjoy their unique taste, their naturality, and their fat content.

The price of almonds in Kenya may vary depending on the quantity. For instance, a kilogram of almonds goes at a price of about Ksh.2,000 on average.

Growing Almonds as a Business

Growing almonds in Kenya can be a good venture. If your products have matured and are ready for sale, then you are highly assured of higher profits just immediately after conducting the sale.

Almond farming in Kenya has not been common yet. However, farmers plant them on a small scale and sell them to the locals.

Almonds in Kikuyu are being planted by the farmers. This is because the soil there is very suitable for the growth of almonds. A lot of farmers really make an income out of the growth.


I am sure you now have a better clue about almonds. All the benefits it has and the price, among others, Hopefully, this review was of great importance to you. If that is really the case, then have good luck with whatever you wish to do.

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Kenyans Consult

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