Where to Buy Walnuts in Nairobi | Proven Health Benefits

Walnuts are a distinct type of nut that is not as widely available as ground nuts. They have a high natural fat content, which means they contain more saturated fats. Walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids and can help lower cholesterol levels.

It is suggested that you consume at least four walnuts per day. This will have the following benefits: it may cure diabetes, cancer, maintain weight, and also improve reproductive health. These are just a few of the advantages pf walnuts.

Best Places to Buy Walnuts in Nairobi

Let us get started on where to buy walnuts in Nairobi. You can get walnuts at the following places:

  • Naivas supermarkets in Haina.
  • Chandarana Foodplus Supermarkets in Ngara.
  • Zucchini Green Grocers Limited.
  • Naivas Lavington Curve.
  • Nemuwa Jogooroad.

These are some of the places where you can easily buy walnuts in Nairobi.

Walnut Farming in Kenya

Are walnuts grown in Kenya? That may be your question. Yes, walnuts are grown in Kenya. Walnut farming in Kenya is the best farming idea one can ever think about.

Farming will bring a lot of profits only if you are determined, focused, and patient. 

Walnuts in Swahili are known as Jozi.

Almonds in Kenya

Almonds in Kenya are available in different shops across the country. They are offered at very affordable prices, and anyone willing to make the purchase will. Buy almonds in Kenya today and enjoy their delicious taste as well as their health benefits.


I hope by now you have all the information of where you can easily buy walnuts in Nairobi. Just like any other nuts, walnuts have amazing health benefits. It is therefore recommended by the experts that a person should at least consume about four walnuts per day. Visit any of the places discussed here in this article and purchase some walnuts at affordable prices.

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Kenyans Consult

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