CBC Curriculum Summary In 5 Minutes, Kenya

CBC Curriculum Summary

Here is a precise but detailed information about CBC Curriculum Kenya. Be ready to know more about importance of CBC Curriculum, structure, design, frame work, subjects, assessments, and many more.

You will leave this page well informed about the CBC Curriculum. Now, let’s get into the real work.

Importance Of CBC Curriculum

CBC Curriculum Kenya is preferred over the 8-4-4 system and initiated in 2017 by the ministry of education. The Importance of CBC Curriculum should not be underestimated. The new system provides diverse attention to areas covered in learners’ education.

The CBC curriculum is important because it focuses mainly on the learner’s ability to excellence rather than the school performance and ranking. The new system enhances teacher-student relationships and parent-children relationship.

Parents or guardians play a major role in ensuring the learner’s progress at school runs smoothly. The learner’s excellence is not measured by their ability to remember the syllabus and apply what they have been taught during class sessions practically.

Learn other 15 benefits of CBC curriculum here.

CBC Curriculum Structure

Competency-based curriculum structure has adopted a structure that has sectioned the education system into 3 major divisions. The early years’ educations focus on learners’ learners aged 5 years to 9 years, respectively.

Middle school education focuses on offering education to learners aged between 10 years to 14 years, and Senior school education focuses on handling 15 years to 17 years, respectively.

Current education system in Kenya Has an assessment test to all learners at all levels before graduating to the next level. The assessments include;


  • Curriculum pp1
  • Curriculum pp2

Lower Primary

  • Curriculum grade 1
  • Curriculum grade 2
  • Curriculum grade 3

Upper Primary

  • Curriculum grade 4
  • Curriculum grade 5
  • Curriculum grade 6

Lower Secondary

  • Curriculum grade 7
  • Curriculum grade 8
  • Curriculum grade 9

Senior School Education

  • Curriculum grade 10
  • Curriculum grade 11
  • Curriculum grade 12

Higher Education

  • At least 3 years

CBC Curriculum Subjects

CBC Curriculum has analyzed subjects taught to learners from their beginning f school to senior school. Learners joining learning institutions for pre-primary education have 5 subjects to take for both 2 years, in CBC Curriculum PP1 and CBC Curriculum PP2.

The lower primary school (Curriculum Grade 1, Curriculum Grade 2, and Curriculum Grade 3) takes up to 9 mandatory subjects with two additional features (ICT, Life skills, pertinent and contemporary issues).

For middle school education, the learners take up to 10 mandatory subjects with an optional of foreign 4 languages and an additional of 3 subjects that features between lessons. Lower secondary education learners are taught 12 mandatory studies and an optional of 5 subjects to choose from.

Senior school students from Curriculum Grade 10- 12 specialize in career and talent, categorized into pathways. Every pathway has a broad elaboration on the number of subjects. The pathways are categorized into three main categories the learner can choose from depending.

Specific details of CBC curriculum subjects and structure for each learning level is here.

CBC Curriculum Frame Work

Three main learner pillars support the CBC Curriculum meaning, the new education system framework. The pillars help the new education system realize its national goals through educational mission and vision guidelines.

Values as a pillar taught to learners help them develop a positive attitude towards all the outcomes of a stable emotional condition where they can soberly make sound judgment and decisions even under pressure.

There are guiding principles that help learners realize their goals in life. The CBC system demands learners to know what factors are supposed to be considered to achieve life goals apart from hard work.

The learner’s ability to apply knowledge and skills acquired during class sessions practical in real life can help the teachers identify the abilities, potential, talents, career route, strengths, and weaknesses the learners have. Some theoretical approaches can be related to explain why the learners display certain behaviors and patterns.

More about CBC curriculum framework and assessment is here.

6 Types Of Assessment In CBC

Forms of assessment in Kenya’s CBC education system have an all-around way of determining learners’ excellent academic skills. The CBC system does not just base on the learner’s ability to remember what was taught during class sessions but also on different acquired skills and instructional applications in practical life.

The CBC curriculum assessments include;

1. Diagnostic assessment

The learner is tested before being given instructions on skills, strength, knowledge, and weaknesses.      

2. Formative assessment

Works on the learner’s ability to follow instructions in a procedural activity. The performance is rated broadly in the instruction process.

3. Summative assessment

The learner’s attainment is weighed at the end of the instruction process.

4. Non -referenced assessment

The learner’s performances are measured against national performance or of the normal group.

5. Criterion-referenced assessment

The assessment involves comparing the learner’s performance and a standard gauge, for instance, a national curriculum needs, according to objectives or standard cut-off.

6. Interim/ Benchmark assessment

The assessment includes the regular performance pattern of the learners after certain periodic times in a year. Close monitoring of the patterns can lead to predicting the learner’s performance at the end of the year.

Assessment Techniques In CBC

CBC assessment methods have three major areas such as rating

  • Scales,
  • Checklists,
  • Rubrics.

CBC rating scales provide frequency and quality of the learner’s work on the degree of behavior and skills application strategies. Rubrics focus on the quality results at the moment for an individual or group. The checklist offers a list of characteristics to the learner during class sessions, such as confidence, critical thinking, and several others.

CBC Grading System In Kenya

CBC assessment exams are grade according to the learner’s performance, generally in specific areas. The grading can be A, B, C, D, or E, as shown

Mark range80% and above60-79%50-59%40-49%Below 40%
Quality of gradeExcellentVery goodGoodSufficient passNon-sufficient
CompetencyCompetentCompetentFairlyCompetentNot yet competent
CBC Grading System

You can check more about CBC Curriculum PDF here 

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