How to Get Work Permit in Kenya Effortlessly Now

A work permit, also known as a work authorization or a work visa, is a document issued by the immigration office that allows you to work in another country. Work permits allows you to travel abroad to pursue your dreams in the specific working field that you are interested in.

Do you know how to obtain a work permit in Kenya? In this article, I will show you the process of obtaining a work permit and also how you can renew the permit in Kenya.

Guidelines on How to Get a Work Permit in Kenya

If you are wondering how to get a work permit in Kenya, then the following steps will be of great importance for you:

  1. Applying for a work permit at the Department of Immigration.
  2. Submitting all the required documentations as requested.
  3. The department presents the application to a committee for approval. This takes an average of three to six months.
  4. A notification will be sent to you based on whether it is approved or rejected.
  5. If approved, you will get your work permit.
  6. If you are going to stay in the foreign country for more than three months, you have to apply for a residence permit in the Immigrations office.
  7. Your Visa is processed and you will be able to work in the desired working place.

This is how to get a work permit in Kenya without inconveniences.

How to Renew Work Permit in Kenya

You may also want to know how to renew work permit in Kenya:

  1. Log in to the official work permit website to access the eFNS portal
  2. After logging in, click on apply now.
  3. Click on the submit application.
  4. Select the renewal tab.
  5. Make your payments using your preferred mode of payment.
  6. An automatic email will be sent to you showing you your renewal progress of your work permit.

Renew your work permit today using this process.

Perhaps, you may wish to know how much it costs to get a work permit in Kenya. It costs an average of KSH. 700,000 to get a work permit in Kenya.

Are you curious to know how long it takes to get a work permit in Kenya? It takes an average of three to six months to a get your work permit in Kenya.


In summary, work permits are critical when it comes to finding work in foreign countries. Get a work permit in Kenya to enjoy the benefits that comes with it.

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Kenyans Consult

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