How To Manage 30k Salary Wisely And Better

How To Manage 30k Salary Wisely And Better

Money is among the insatiable things here on earth. In real sense, money is never enough at any point.

And that is the reason day in day out people work so as to find money.

The problem with many people is that the fail to plan for whatever they get.

It is sometimes difficult for some people to stay with hundreds of thousands of shillings for more than a week.

On the other hand, one might be earning a little amount of money but uses it appropriately to satisfy their daily needs.

Today your question on how to manage 30k salary is going to get an answer.

Managing a figure like 30,000 might be difficult to you. A times you are confused on what to purchase and on what not to purchase.

If this is your current situation then no need to worry.

Here are some things you need to try on how to manage 30,000 salary;

1. Ensure that you buy foodstuff in bulk

Buy foods from wholesale markets such as Marikiti for grocery and cereals, Githurai for grocery and cereals, Gikomba for fish, grocery and cereals, Bama for meat etc if you are in Nairobi)

2. Pay your rent, electricity bills and water bills in advance

3. In terms of transportation, use public means to cut on the cost

4. Pay yourself after receiving the salary

5. The other important thing to do is to save

6. Personal expenses is also very important

When you follow the mentioned techniques, you will see your Ksh. 30,000 as almost a million shillings because it will be of value to you.

The budget should be done immediately after being paid.

Through immediate budget, you will be able to settle quickly with all necessities you required.

Budget For 30 000 Salary shouldn’t be a hard nut to crack from your side. All the hacks have been illustrated clearly in the article.

Let me hope that whenever you will be applying those procedures, you will be able to notice a big change in terms of budgeting. Good luck as you try the tricks.

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Kenyans Consult

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