Cost of Zero Grazing Unit in Kenya | Affordable, Benefits

Animals are required to be fed well in order to maximize their products and also become more healthy. Zero grazing is highly recommended by agriculturalists as it is a system where livestock feed and drink water on a farm without necessarily having to take them to the fields.

For you to ensure proper zero grazing for your farm animals, you need to have a zero grazing unit that will facilitate this system. This calls for me to take you through various details that will ensure your success.

Let us get started on the cost of a zero grazing unit in Kenya.

The cost of a zero grazing unit in Kenya ranges from Ksh. 20,000 to Ksh. 198,000. This cost has a difference in variation due to the zero grazing unit design in Kenya, the size, the materials used, among others.

Benefits of Zero Grazing

Zero grazing has various benefits that make it even more fascinating. These benefits are:

  1. Animals utilize feed in the zero grazing unit.
  2. High quality and quantity of produce due to less wastage of energy.
  3. It is easy to control parasites and diseases.
  4. Accumulation of manure to the maximum.
  5. Allows for a higher stocking rate.

Furthermore, zero grazing for 5 cows is usually cheaper than zero grazing for 10 cows since the more the animals, the bigger the zero grazing unit, making it quite expensive.

Zero Grazing Unit Measurements

You may desire to know the zero grazing unit measurements so as to have the best unit for your livestock. A modern zero grazing structure should have a length of 250cm and a width of 150 cm per unit and each should be separated by timber in order to form rooms.

Parts of a Zero Grazing Unit

  1. Feeding preparation room- where feeds are chopped and put in ratios.
  2. Feeding room – This is where animals feed and drink water as it has feed and water troughs.
  3. Milking stall- where milking is done.
  4. Calf pen room – This is an area assigned for calves only where they stay.
  5. Store – where items are kept to be used in the zero grazing unit.
  6. Loafing area- it is usually a large area where dunging, sunning and exercise if the animals take place.
  7. Sleeping cubicles- animals sleep in these cubicles that are prepared with comfortable materials such as saw dust, etc.

Zero grazing unit design in Kenya should include these parts so as to have a complete set of zero grazing units. Remember to have a  shade for the animals.


Zero grazing beef cattle in Kenya and dairy cattle has been made easy by the use of zero grazing units. Besides, feeding becomes easier as the farmer is able to monitor the eating ratio, making the animals more productive and healthy.

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Kenyans Consult

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