How Long Does Jumia Take to Deliver in Kenya? Online Shopping

Jumia has grown in popularity across the globe since its inception, as it is among the highly ranked online shops in the country. Jumia sells a wide range of products, from nail polish to automobiles and other large items. When it comes to time, the online store has helped save a lot of time. Unlike physical stores, where you must visit before making a purchase, all you have to do is click “buy” and you’re done.

You will be required to pay after purchasing a product from Jumia. Payments can be made either after or before delivery. In addition, you will be charged a shipping fee.

It takes a period of about 3 to 7 days for delivery to take place. The days will vary depending on the product to be delivered. In summary, the days show how long Jumia takes to deliver in Kenya.

Jumia Delivery Charges

Jumia Kenya delivery charges will vary depending on the location of the customer. For near-by locations, the prices will be quite lower, and for faraway locations, the prices will be relatively higher.

Jumia’s working hours in Kenya are kind of fixed. In simple terms, the shop works from Monday to Friday. The opening hours and closing time are 8:00am and 5:00pm respectively.

For any queries, visit or call Jumia Customer Care Kenya for assistance.


That was a very brief and quick overview of Jumia, including the time it takes to deliver and so on. Nothing should prevent you from placing an order from Jumia now that you have clear key information on the topic. Let me hope that all of your questions were appropriately answered and that you were satisfied.

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Kenyans Consult

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