How Much is Koko Cooker in Kenya | Affordable, Koko Fuel

Before delving deeper into the main concerns, let’s first understand what a Koko cooker is and how it works. The Koko cooker is a two-burner cooking stove that uses ethanol.

The cooker is well preferred because it doesn’t have smoke effects. This means that you will be cooking in a clean environment since there won’t be soot on the walls, as well as sufuria.

Let us get to the main concern, which is the question of how much a Koko cooker costs in Kenya.

The price of Koko cooker in Kenya retails at an average price of about Ksh. 4,500.

Koko cookers in Nakuru are sold at good prices. If you are a resident of Nakuru, then find the nearest shop so as to make the purchase.

Commonly Asked Questions

Is a koko cooker cheaper than gas?

No, the Koko cooker isn’t cheaper than gas. It is, however, cheaper than charcoal and kerosene. For instance, a litre of Koko fuel retails at an average price of Ksh. 78. The fuel, however, lasts only two days as compared to a fully filled gas cylinder, which can last more than a month.

This means that the Koko cooker isn’t that affordable.

How much is Koko fuel in Kenya?

Koko fuel can be purchased at a price beginning at Ksh. 30. A litre of the fuel, however, retails at an average price of Ksh. 77.83.


Koko Kenya has helped a lot of homes and hotels in terms of cooking procedures. The cooker is well liked because of its soot-less feature.

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Kenyans Consult

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