How To Pay MKU Fees Using Mpesa

How To Pay MKU Fees Using Mpesa

I have an easy step by step guide on how to pay MKU fees using Mpesa. An added method to confirm that you have actually payed your school fees just there and then is all here.

The use of Mpesa to transact money has been on the rise in the recent past. Furthermore, the services are more convenient, faster, and transparent in comparison to the traditional method of banking where you have to make long queues to pay school fees.

MKU is one of the institution in Kenya that has embraced the use of Mpesa fees payment and you can see your fee statement in real time. Here is how to pay MKU fees using Mpesa step by step.

Pay MKU Fees Using Mpesa Method

Step 1

Go to M-PESA menu on your phone and select Lipa na M-PESA, Pay Bill option.

Step 2

Enter Paybill 270988.

Step 3

Enter the account code (your admission number).

Step 4

Enter the amount to pay, then M-PESA PIN and press Send.

Step 5

You will receive a confirmation SMS with a unique code

Method To Confirm Your Payment

Once you complete payment, it is important to recheck your statement to ensure that the fees has been paid in your name.

Note: Capture your mpesa transaction code before you start the process

Use the following steps to crosscheck your MPesa payment with the MKU student portal.

1. Visit student portal, select mpesa trans validation.

2. It will lead you to GT Bank page, Select school fees

3. Select Mount Kenya University

4. Key in your STUDENT ADMISSION NUMBER (never use your national id number) .. and then validate it will automatically give you your name at the bottom of that page click next.

5. Key in the Mpesa confirmation code. i.e the ten letters and digits that appear before the word confirmed in your Mpesa message. then validate, it will automatically show you the amount, the time and date, the no used to pay.

Key in your phone no and email. then submit.

6. When successful it will go home and give a message that the transaction is successfully posted.


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Kenyans Consult

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