Where to Buy Kenyan Flag in Nairobi | Prices, Flag Makers

The Kenyan flag is a symbol of national unity. The flag has got different colours, each signifying different meanings. For instance, black is the colour of the people of Kenya, the red colour symbolises the blood that was shed during the struggle for independence, peace is represented by the white colour, and finally, green represents the environment.

Let us move on to our main concern, and that is where to buy a Kenyan flag. Do you need a Kenyan flag but you do not have an idea of where to purchase one?

Well, here are some of the places where you can buy a Kenyan flag in Nairobi: Nairobi Sports House Ltd. (Moi Avenue), Haria’s Stamp Shop Limited, and The Flag Shop are the most common and preferred places to make your purchases. 

Flag Makers in Kenya

Flag makers in Kenya are among the people who get a high income. Think of this situation, almost each and every day schools are developed, the schools will need to have flags so the only option they have is to go to the flag makers. The flag makers also have skills in their work and, therefore, are always there to produce quality. 

Finding flag printing near me is the best thing you can think about. Here you won’t have to spend a lot in terms of transportation. 

Buy Kenyan Flag Online

If you don’t have the capability of buying flags from physical shops, you can buy Kenyan flags online. All you need to do is just place an order and delivery services will be offered too. 

Prices of Kenyan Flags

It is important to know Kenyan flag prices before going to the shops. This will help you make the purchase at a legitimate price. A 90cm by 150cm flag costs about Ksh. 3,000 on average. 


I believe that by now you have clear information about where to buy the Kenyan flag, what it symbolizes, and the prices. Also, let me hope that the answers to your questions were provided accordingly and were satisfactory. 

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Kenyans Consult

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